How to Get Rid of Air Pollutants

A Breath of Fresh Air

There’s nothing like taking a deep satisfying breath of fresh spring air.  Now imagine taking that same deep breath in your home and getting lungfuls of air that is stale, slightly scented or even sticky.  Wait, that doesn’t seem right, does it?  Unfortunately, it’s all too common in today’s super-sealed homes.  Before you get too squeamish, here’s what you need to know…

Cleaning Supplies

Pollutants.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air pollutants include: chemicals, such as those from cleaning supplies, paints, pesticides, dirt, and tobacco smoke; gases, such as radon and carbon monoxide; allergens, such as pet hair and dander; and mold and pests.  Whew, that’s quite a list!  Most of us can recognize at least a few immediately.  These indoor pollutants may cause headaches, itchy or burning eyes, nose and throat, not to mention allergies and respiratory problems.  This leads us to…

How to clean it.  Qualified HVAC professionals (like us!) have many tools to clean and purify your air depending on your home’s specific issues.  There are options for everything from systems that cycle fresh air into your home all the way to cleaning ductwork for immediate results.

To decide what your family’s best option is for fresh, clean air, give us a call.  We’ll take a look and, best case scenario, your air will already be pristine and mountain fresh – no harm done.  If not, you’ll get practical solutions to help your family breathe easier this season.  Either way, you win.  Just let us know – we’re here for you.

Although adorable, pets can cause air pollution.

Although adorable, pets cause indoor air pollution…but so do humans so keep them around.  🙂

My Word

Hello Friends,

Are you as ready as I am for a change of scenery?  I’m glad to be seeing the signs of spring… brighter landscapes, warmer days and more outdoor activities.  But spring also means one other important thing: summer’s coming.

As you know, it can get pretty hot and humid when it’s here.  We don’t want any of our friends (some companies call them “customers”) to flip the switch on the first warm day and find your air conditioning system has “forgotten” the basics of keeping you cool.

If you haven’t already called us for your pre-season tune-up to make sure your air conditioning system is ready for the heavy load, please do this as soon as possible.

Our job is to make sure our friends are comfortable.  Let us know how we can serve you.

Jim Petersen

My Word

Time for A Spring Cleaning Shakeup

Spring Check-up Time

Spring is in the air – and so are dust, pollen and a host of other airborne particles.  It makes my lungs quiver just thinking about it!  So, it’s no wonder spring cleaning fever strikes at this time of year.  But if you’re neglecting one very important part of your home, it’s time to shake up your spring cleaning routine…

Adding spring TLC to the list for your home’s heating and cooling equipment can save you a few headaches and potentially a lot of money.  How, you ask?  A clean unit works more efficiently and reduces the risk of a breakdown.  It’s simple…

It’s time for a change.  Start by replacing the filter.  Air will be able to flow more freely through your home after this task is completed.  (We can do this for you for no extra charge, except for the filter, while we’re there for your seasonal tune-up.)  You can also…

Stop the invasion.  Your backyard jungle could be costing you big.  Bushes, weeds and shrubbery that are allowed to grow up and around your unit can end up causing major damage to your system and your wallet!  Clearing the area around your unit is a quick way to help protect it for the long-term.

Give it a makeover.  This means from the inside out.  We’ll take care of the inside during your seasonal tune-up where your system is cleaned and set to factory specs so you get maximum efficiency for your energy dollars.  Call us today to get on the schedule.  Plus…

You don’t want to overlook the outside.  Scrubbing down your heating and cooling unit doesn’t just make it look pretty – it also increases its efficiency, which means energy dollars back in your pocket where they belong.

Bunny Rolls

For many people, Easter tradition means Easter Egg hunts, candy, decorating Easter eggs, and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.  We still do the Easter eggs and the real celebration, but we also add another tradition every year and that is making the most adorable rolls to ever be created…BUNNY ROLLS!  Here is the recipe.


  • Frozen Dinner Rolls Dough
  • Raisins


Frozen Dinner Roll Dough

Thaw frozen dinner roll dough overnight in refrigerator.

Bunny rolls

Place 1 thawed roll on greased cookie sheet (dough should be cold).  Gently press to form a 2 1/2″ circle, about 1/2″ thick for the head.  Form nose from a small part of the second roll.  Divide remaining 2nd roll into 2 parts to make ears and attach to head.

Bunny rollsBunny rolls

Make whiskers with knife tip and press raisins in dough to form eyes.

Bunny Rolls

Let dough rise according to directions.  Bake in preheated 350° oven 15 minutes or until golden brown.  Roll butter over top to keep “bunnies” fresher longer.

Bunny Rolls

Complete Directions:

Thaw frozen dinner roll dough overnight in refrigerator.  Place 1 thawed roll on greased cookie sheet (dough should be cold).  Gently press to form a 2 1/2″ circle, about 1/2″ thick for the head.  Form nose from a small part of the second roll.  Divide remaining 2nd roll into 2 parts to make ears and attach to head.  Make whiskers with knife tip and press raisins in dough to form eyes.  Let dough rise according to directions.  Bake in preheated 350° oven 15 minutes or until golden brown.  Roll butter over top to keep “bunnies” fresher longer.

A Market Guide for Onions

An onion by any other name…well, makes a big difference in your cooking.  Onion varieties often look very similar and you almost need an endorsement from the Food Network to tell the difference between a Vidalia and shallots.  (Are you Googling that right now? – Tip: I linked the onions to their google images to help you out!)  Here’s the lowdown on these hearty veggies…

Scallions – Sweet and fragrant, scallions can be enjoyed raw in salads, thrown into stir-fries or mixed into a tasty dip.

Spring Onions – These young bulbs are typically mellower than other onions.  Try grilling, roasting or marinating, or batter and fry away!

Ramps – With an invigorating onion flavor and intense garlic scent, ramps are perfect for serving grilled or chopped and sauteed in eggs.

Shallots – Shallots can be used in fresh cooking or pickled and have a milder flavor. In Asian cuisine, finely sliced deep-fried shallots are used as a condiment that is usually served with porridge.

Vidalia Onions – The Vidalia onion is a sweet onion that can be eaten raw or baked.  These onions are best eaten in salads, sliced on hamburgers or hot-dogs, baked in french onion soup, or sauteed and then put on top of steak or pork.

Choose an onion, select a cooking style and enjoy!